Please note that once your package leaves our warehouse, we will not have any control over it. Please contact the shipping company for tracking information.
If your order is processed, you will receive a shipping confirmation email and tracking number within 5 days (excluding weekends).
If you haven’t received the tracking information after 5 days, please open a support ticket.
Sometimes, if we are flooded with a huge amount of orders, you might experience a delay in shipping. We are still a small business with limited manpower. Even if we pack 12 hours a day, we still cannot get some orders out the same day. Please allow extra time to ship your order.
Hope to get your understanding.
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1 comment
Salve vi sconsiglio pienamente di acquistare da questo sito l’assistenza non risponde e se avete bisogno di un aiuto non lo ricevere io ho acquistato una camera C04 ma non mi è mai arrivata oggi ho chiesto il rimborso e neanche melo anno dato
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