# diff all # version # Betaflight / STM32F411SX1280 (S4SX) 4.3.1 Jul 13 2022 / 03:33:32 (8d4f005) MSP API: 1.44 # config: manufacturer_id: BEFH, board_name: BETAFPVF4SX1280, version: 7df66093, date: 2022-06-12T13:41:42Z # start the command batch batch start # reset configuration to default settings defaults nosave board_name BETAFPVF4SX1280 manufacturer_id BEFH mcu_id 004200533535510436323431 signature # name: M85 Walksnail # feature feature -SOFTSERIAL feature -LED_STRIP # serial serial 1 1 115200 57600 0 115200 # beacon beacon RX_LOST beacon RX_SET # led led 0 0,0::A:0 led 1 1,0::A:0 # aux aux 0 0 0 1700 2100 0 0 aux 1 1 1 900 1300 0 0 aux 2 2 1 1300 1700 0 0 aux 3 13 3 1700 2100 0 0 aux 4 35 2 1700 2100 0 0 # vtxtable vtxtable bands 5 vtxtable channels 8 vtxtable band 1 BOSCAM_A A FACTORY 5865 5845 5825 5805 5785 5765 5745 5725 vtxtable band 2 BOSCAM_B B FACTORY 5733 5752 5771 5790 5809 5828 5847 5866 vtxtable band 3 BOSCAM_E E FACTORY 5705 5685 5665 5645 5885 5905 5925 5945 vtxtable band 4 FATSHARK F FACTORY 5740 5760 5780 5800 5820 5840 5860 5880 vtxtable band 5 RACEBAND R FACTORY 5658 5695 5732 5769 5806 5843 5880 5917 vtxtable powerlevels 5 vtxtable powervalues 1 2 14 20 26 vtxtable powerlabels 0 RCE 25 100 400 # master set gyro_lpf1_static_hz = 0 set dyn_notch_count = 1 set dyn_notch_q = 500 set dyn_notch_min_hz = 120 set acc_calibration = -12,0,14,1 set max_check = 2000 set serialrx_provider = CRSF set dshot_idle_value = 600 set dshot_bidir = ON set dshot_bitbang = ON set motor_pwm_protocol = DSHOT300 set motor_poles = 12 set ibata_scale = 850 set yaw_motors_reversed = ON set small_angle = 180 set pid_process_denom = 1 set osd_warn_core_temp = OFF set osd_vbat_pos = 2434 set osd_rssi_pos = 228 set osd_link_quality_pos = 2402 set osd_rssi_dbm_pos = 2370 set osd_tim_2_pos = 2455 set osd_flymode_pos = 2392 set osd_throttle_pos = 2338 set osd_crosshairs_pos = 2318 set osd_current_pos = 374 set osd_craft_name_pos = 2442 set osd_core_temp_pos = 182 set osd_displayport_device = MSP set vtx_band = 5 set vtx_channel = 8 set vtx_power = 3 set vtx_freq = 5917 set displayport_msp_serial = 1 set expresslrs_uid = 0,0,209,216,234,88 set expresslrs_rate_index = 1 set name = M85 Walksnail profile 0 # profile 0 set iterm_relax = RP_INC set p_pitch = 51 set i_pitch = 82 set d_pitch = 43 set f_pitch = 151 set p_roll = 47 set i_roll = 75 set d_roll = 38 set f_roll = 138 set p_yaw = 47 set i_yaw = 75 set f_yaw = 138 set d_min_roll = 36 set d_min_pitch = 41 set feedforward_smooth_factor = 30 set simplified_master_multiplier = 110 set simplified_i_gain = 90 set simplified_d_gain = 110 set simplified_pi_gain = 95 set simplified_dmax_gain = 15 set simplified_feedforward_gain = 105 set simplified_pitch_pi_gain = 105 profile 1 profile 2 # restore original profile selection profile 0 rateprofile 0 # rateprofile 0 set roll_srate = 65 set pitch_srate = 65 set yaw_srate = 65 rateprofile 1 rateprofile 2 rateprofile 3 rateprofile 4 rateprofile 5 # restore original rateprofile selection rateprofile 0 # save configuration save #