# version # Betaflight / STM32F7X2 (S7X2) 4.3.0 Jun 14 2022 / 00:50:37 (229ac66) MSP API: 1.44 # config: manufacturer_id: BEFH, board_name: BETAFPVF722, version: edcd244b, date: 2022-06-29T02:24:46Z # start the command batch batch start # reset configuration to default settings defaults nosave board_name BETAFPVF722 manufacturer_id BEFH mcu_id 002e00194847501820343432 signature # name: BETAFPVF722 # feature feature -RX_PARALLEL_PWM feature TELEMETRY feature LED_STRIP # serial serial 1 1 115200 57600 0 115200 serial 4 2048 115200 57600 0 115200 # led led 0 12,12::C:1 led 1 13,12::C:1 led 2 14,12::C:1 led 3 15,12::C:1 led 4 12,13::C:1 led 5 13,13::C:1 led 6 14,13::C:1 led 7 15,13::C:1 led 8 12,14::C:1 led 9 13,14::C:1 led 10 14,14::C:1 led 11 15,14::C:1 led 12 12,15::C:1 led 13 13,15::C:1 led 14 14,15::C:1 led 15 15,15::C:1 # master set gyro_lpf1_static_hz = 0 set acc_calibration = 67,90,-4065,1 set mag_hardware = NONE set baro_hardware = NONE set motor_pwm_protocol = DSHOT600 set ibata_scale = 200 set small_angle = 180 set gyro_1_sensor_align = CW270 set gyro_1_align_yaw = 2700 set name = BETAFPVF722 profile 0 profile 1 profile 2 # restore original profile selection profile 0 rateprofile 0 rateprofile 1 rateprofile 2 rateprofile 3 rateprofile 4 rateprofile 5 # restore original rateprofile selection rateprofile 0 # save configuration save #